Sunday, August 05, 2007

Yippieee! Internet connection...

It's Sunday and it is moving very slow. My mouth stinks because i have not brush my mouth yet, my hair is messy; my face is still blur, not wash yet; and i am very hungry. Early in the morning i had managed to get Internet connection. So what do you expect?

Mr William: * boots up the notebook *...
Toshiba: * beeps and blink *

Mr William: * touch his face for a while to measure how thick his stubs are *
Toshiba: * beeps and beeps *

Mr William: * blurly logs in and wait for it to open the Windows *
Toshiba: * waiting for owner to tell him the access authority *

Mr William: * switch on the wireless device *
Toshiba: * waiting for next action *

Mr William: * refresh the device and waits *
Toshiba: * scanning available wireless Internet connection *

Toshiba: * blink - found two available *
Mr William: * ok... lets try this one *

Toshiba: * connected! *
Mr William: Eh, betul ka?!

Mr William: * Tries MSN Messenger *
MSN Messenger: * Goes online *

Mr William: Yipppieeee!!!!
Mr William: Tells whole wide world... * starts SMS-ing everyone *

is sky the limit... the power of Internet Connection!

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