Monday, January 28, 2008

Happy CNY 2008

To those chinese or non - chinese who are celebrating CNY which stands for Chinese New Year. ISTL co - author here to wish everyone a properous CNY and a happy 2008 and also Happy Mouse Year.

Here's some tips to "mouse" people:

List of don't:
Don't ....
Don't ....
Don't ....
Don't ....

List of do:
Be Happy
Be Properous
Be Lucky
Be Fortune

Eh? You got a question? Your browser can't see the don't list? Well too bad for you... Actually there isn't don't do list. Just do it... It's your year man, so why hesistate? As long as it's ethical, positive and not against the law, what's keeping you? Just be happy, cheerful and positive!


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